FAQ - Brainstorm

Hi friends,

As suggested by John during town hall #8, let’s compile our questions & answers about Re-Public in order to create a FAQ page.

Drop your questions and potential answers below!


  • What is Re-Public?
  • How do I download Re-Public?
  • Who is behind Re-Public?
  • Can Re-Public see my data?
  • Is my data encrypted? Is it anonymized?
  • What is $DATA?
  • How do I collect the $DATA I earned?
  • To who is my data sold? What happens once it’s sold?
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  • Can I download my data?
  • Can I choose who uses my data?
  • Does this data collection override the data collection already happening in my device?
  • Is Re-Public a company?
  • How can my project/company connect to Re-Public?
  • Does my data get stored on a server somewhere?

@philg00d These are great! I’ll get started on some of these answers.